Should You Go to Professional Hair Salons or DIY?

/ posted in: Hair Salons

We’re in the golden age of DIY beauty. Thanks to a never-ending supply of how-to blogs and vlogs in multimedia, it’s effortless to discover how to do about any beauty service from the comfort of our own bathrooms — although this does not always mean we have to.

DIY vs professional hair salons

Occasionally, it’s easy to identify when you require going to see a professional, but sometimes, women make the error — either in an attempt to make savings or an over use of hubris — of handling it themselves. Usually, these little DIY efforts turn out fine, but when it’s mistaken, it can lead to problems like long-lasting skin damage, hair loss, and even bodily injury. At the very least, you might end up with a regrettable new look and have to live to tell.

Along with good advice, there is a lot of half-truths floating around on the internet too— and the average person may not spot the distinction when googling “how to treat cystic acne.” So how will you know when it’s acceptable to DIY and when you have to go see a professional? It depends not only on the beauty treatment, but as well as on the person trying it.

Further on, we list down beauty services and how to know which way — DIY or pro —to take for each.

Dyeing Your Hair

Beliefs on boxed hair dye are strongly separated. A few feel that it’s no big deal (and even adore the effect that they obtain from boxed dye), whereas others be adamant that it’s not the same as getting it professionally coloured. No matter which choice you fall in, it’s completely reasonable to be enticed by the enjoyment of altering your hair colour overnight with an inexpensive box of dye. We say go for it — so long as you follow some guidelines.

Don’t try to go more than one or two shades lighter or darker than your existing hair colour. If you have thick or long hair, you have to buy two boxes to ensure you have enough. And keep in mind: When deciding on a colour, do not go by the image of the model on the package. But, look for undertone keywords (for example, look for ash or cool either than warm or golden if you don’t want to have brassy undertones) and do some online investigation to observe how a particular dye looks on someone with same hair like yours.

When To Go To Professional Hair Salons

It’s time to set an appointment at professional hair salons if you wish for any of the following to be done: making dark hair to blonde, making several hair colour to white blonde, ombré or balayage, or coloring hair that’s previously been coloured or newly bleached (given that it is more prone to harm and surprising results). Once you’re happy with your spectacular hair color change, you can continue going back to the salon for touch-ups or, if you feel certain enough, you can try at-home follow ups. If choosing the latter route, make sure to watch your stylist vigilantly and ask questions previous to going home and performing your own root touch-ups or toner refreshers by hand.

Cutting Your Hair

When To DIY

When you’re planning to save a little cash and time, you can certainly do a trim or dusting at home. Follow this guide and use exceptional shears made for cutting hair, not the usual scissors. Be sure to go slow to steer clear of any catastrophe.

getting haircuts at professional hair salons

As for bangs…now who does not have a recollection of a late-night fringe choice that ended in some unattractive baby bangs? With that caution, bangs are your choice. Trimming fringe you previously have is pretty easy (here’s how), but bear in mind, a lot of salons will do it for you for free. Cutting new bangs is a bit trickier, but as well totally achievable. If you feel certain, go for it and use this as your guide. If you’ve never had bangs before and don’t feel too comfy with a pair of scissors, go to the salon to assure (well, almost) your first attempt with bangs is a good one.

When To Go To Professional Hair Salons

If you want everything harsher than a trim, visit the salon. If you’re compelled by the need to have Michelle Williams hair (yeah, us too) and there’s no time to squander, get to the salon, How hard could it be anyway, right? NO. STOP. PUT THE SCISSORS DOWN. This too applies to pixie cuts, lobs, even undercuts. An undercut is in fact very easy to keep up on your own with clippers, but it’s great to have an expert do the original shape first. (You can completely shave your head at home, though.

Eyebrow Shaping

When To DIY

A bit of plucking here and there to clean up the edges, get rid of stray hairs, and maintain brows looking neat is perfectly fine. (Although some eyebrow experts don’t want clients to pluck in between visits). Just know when not to use those tweezers. You do not want to get carried away (it happens!) and significantly change the shape or size of your brows. And keep in mind, the 10x magnifying mirror is not your pal.

When To See A Professional

It’s best to see an expert brow shaper under two circumstances: if you desire to have your brows totally reshaped (especially if you are trying to grow them out) or if you cannot trust yourself with the tweezers. Either way, find an expert that uses a method you feel comfy with, whether that means just tweezing, waxing, or threading. similar to your hair, it always helps to get a few pictures of the kind of brows you want

I have been a professional hairstylist for 23 years. Husband to my high school sweetheart, Ines. We love each of our four cats. I was born in Lyon, France but my whole family moved to Atlanta when I was 17 years of age. At times I miss France, but America is forever my home. A few years ago, I visited Canada and tried out a high-quality goose jacket. It was so unique that I immediately bought it. I've never owned a coat so comfortable! Later on, I was domain shopping for a new blog to share helpful haircare tips and knowledge with the world. Saw this one and couldn't resist!